Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The End....Until We Meet Again

Tonight was our last day spent at the Temple Visitor Center. I gave 3 Books of Mormon today. The first was to a lady from LA who was really interested in our Church and learning more about it. Then came the last 15 minutes of our mission. Into the Annex comes a couple from Georgia and their daughter. They are not members of the Church. They became very interested in  the temple and why do we have temples, we spent the last minutes of our mission together. They wanted a Book of Mormon both the couple and their daughter. They also took the testimony of Joseph Smith. Then the Kaonas came in to help us close up and they had all the sister missionaries sing three hymns to  us. God Be With You Till We Meet Again. I Need Thee Every Hour. and another hymn slips my mind. Then we knelt around the Christus and they asked me to say the prayer. Very touching moment to end our mission...A great ending.

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