Monday, April 28, 2014
Lots of Fun
This morning I got up early and went to Leadership meeting. I really like Elder Watkins our Director, what a great man. Then we went to Brighams' house, then this evening we went to our monthly dinner with all the Senior missionaries. We went to Paulas' a mexican eatery. Now a few interesting happenings. Darolyne was talking to one of the new sr. missionaries Sister Miller. Sister Miller said she worked with Blind students and Darolyne said to her, do you know sign language, Whoops. Then today Sister Dabb went into Brighams' house with several couples then came into the place where the sr missionaries sit and wait for guests and told her husband that she felt inspired that he needed to be with these people, so he went, then she went to the restroom and said she almost wet her pants. That was her inspiration. But Elder Dabb taught those people and gave them 2 Book of Mormons. Today I took a couple from Queens, New York through Brighams' house and found out they were Jewish, I told them that I have Jewish Blood in me that my great grandmother Hansen was a Dark Dane, or a Jew from Amsterdam. My mother looks so Jewish. Anyway I told them that I came from the tribe of Joseph so we were both from Jacob. After the tour they wanted to take a Book of Mormon. Then a couple of Catholics from Riverside, California came through and I offered them a Book and the man said he had a book, I asked him if he had read it and he said he had read some I asked him who Mormon was and he said Walter Mormon. Whoops. Darolyne gave a Book of Mormon to a couple from Sun City, Arizona. Great fun sometimes these missions/
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Not a lot going on. On our P day we went to our Financial advisor for Darolyne From their building I took the following pictures of the Tabernacle and the Temple. Today at Jacobs D
arolyne taught a couple of women from California and did very well in teaching them the Gospel. They took a Book of Mormon. My grandson Brodie Childs was named the most improved player for this years American Fork High School Basketball team. Great picture of this 6foot 5inch phenom.
arolyne taught a couple of women from California and did very well in teaching them the Gospel. They took a Book of Mormon. My grandson Brodie Childs was named the most improved player for this years American Fork High School Basketball team. Great picture of this 6foot 5inch phenom.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Easter Weekend
On Easter we had a day off and we went to Church with Jamies' family. Then we went for a hike up Chuckwalla Trail. This week we gave out Books to a couple from Houston and Darolyne gave a Book to a couple also. Today at Jacobs' we only had one tour all morning. It has been slow since all of the spring breaks are over. It has been beautiful weather but spring is over and we are moving into summer, drats.
Friday, April 18, 2014
The First Family
Jamie, Mindi, Brodie and Carson came for a visit, really the first time they have been to see us. Jamie and the boys and I went Golfing at Sun River, great fun. Then I played Carson in basketball. When my grandsons can beat me I give them 100$. He finally beat me, he now is 13 years old.
Mike Eager came to Jacobs for our Hi Bye party. The Clarks from Orem arrived and the Hewstones from Australia are going home. Mike Eager dressed up like an Indian and told us from the Indians perspective what they thought of Jacob Hambin.
Carson receiving his 100$. Brodie beat Jamie for the first time ever. Brodie shot a 74 Jamie skyed into the 80s I shot an 87. Yesterday at the visitor center I taught a couple from Minneapolis she was Lutheran and he was a Catholic. They seemed to be interested in our Church and receive a Book of Mormon and other materials including the testimony of Joseph Smith.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Beginning of the End
We have been on our mission for one year as of today. We started the summer schedule, meaning the sites will stay open until 7 instead of 5. That is because of more sunlight in the afternoon
This cute family came to visit General Conference from a small island in the Cook Islands. Their Island doesn't even have a car on it they only have a few motorbikes. It is an Atoll and they have to get on an old rusty boat to get to an Island then they take a small plane to a bigger Island where they get to a bigger plane to fly to New Zealand then to the USA. Quite the trip to go to a General Conference. I live only 40 miles away and never go. I just watch it on TV. The older lady is 90 and made this trip with the rest of the family.This is Dianne Parkinson and her husband Craig. Dianne is an old friend of Darolynes from Lethbridge. They have a home in Waterton Park and spent last summer in Phoenix. So they were going back to Canada and stopped to spend a night with us.

Sunday, April 6, 2014
April General Conference 2014
This is the second General Conference we have experienced in the mission field. We will have one more. We weren't able to watch it all because of being working at the time some of it was on the air. Some of the messages were classics i.e., Elder Oaks talk on Priesthood and woman, men have priesthood authority and woman have priesthood obligations to perform, we all operate under priesthood authority, aTalk by Elder Bednar on burdens give us strength, interesting concept, revelatory, Elder Bednar uses metaphors to teach, which is the highest form of teaching. Then Elder Packers closing testimony when he said "I know Jesus Christ" That reminded me when I was a Branch President at the MTC when he gave a talk and told the missionaries that they will be able to bear testimony and say "I know that Jesus is the Christ", he then said I used to say that too, now I simply say I know Jesus Christ." This week has been busy with a lot of people on Spring Break but next week will be the big spring break from the big school districts up north including Alpine School District. I gave a Book of Mormon to a lady from Virginia a day ago. Darolynes old friend Dianne Deak is coming to stay tonight, they have been staying in Phoenix heading back to Alberta. They are not members of our Church.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Busy Busy Busy
Here they come. Spring breaks and we have been inundated. Though most of the visitors have been members from the North I was able to give a book of Mormon to a young married couple from Massa chusetts. Today I gave two books to two ladies from Wisconsin. Also we gave over 12 Books to people from France and 8 Books to people from Sweden. I also met with a young lady from Bangladesh and a young lady from Pakistan. They were Muslins and did not want a Book. However they were taught about their heritage of children of Abraham as are the Jews and most Christians. Also I met a Childs a man descended from William Childs and in a separate incident met a lady who was a descendent from William Childs. That is my Great Great Grandfather. Darolyne gave 3 Books of Mormons to a lady which is going to give them to some ladies they are teaching the gospel to. The Books were in Spanish. Today at the Visitor Center our cleaning ladies from Orem came in with their sister and brother in law from Chile. Come to find out he is an Area Seventy in Chile. I told them the story of the St. George Temple not knowing at first that he was a General Authority. What good people, the Latinos are such good humble people. Just love them. Our cleaning ladys' name is Mabel Vasquez.
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